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117 ORDINANCE 0 -59 -1 BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, that: The Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield of 1946 be and the same is hereby amended as follows: 1. Section 161 is hereby amended to read as follows::-. 11161 Permit Required.) No person, firm or corporation shall construct a driveway for vehicles or animals across any parkway, curb or sidewalk.in the village without having obtained a permit therefor. C9 Applications for such permits shall be made to the village clerk V__� and shall be accompanied by the fee required. C� -cP No permit for the construction of a driveway for, commercial use or C-113 for the habitual use of any other than the owner or occupant of the premises served, shall be issued except upon the order of the Board of Trustees." 2. Section 162 is hereby amended to read as follows: "162 Fees.) The fee for all commercial driveway permits required to be issued by the Board of Trustees shall be TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS ($25.00). A deposit'of FIFTY DOLLARS ($50.00) for driveways not more than ten (10) feet in width, and ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) for driveways more than ten (10) feet in width, shall be made with each application for all other driveways where a curb exists. Upon completion of the driveway and approval by the Village inspector, such deposit, less TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) for inspection fees, shall be refunded. A performance bond, plus inspection fees, may be submitted in lieu of the cash deposit as set forth above." 3 Section 164 u,s hereby amended to read as follows: 11164 Specificat;ions.) Driveways across sidewalks and parkways shall be constructed in accordance with specifications established from time to time by the President and Board of Trustees, to comply with Ordinance #154." This ordinance shall be in f u l l force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. PASSED: This 14th day of January., 1959. APPROVE - d VillagVresident Attest: Village C 1 erk Published: January 22, 1959 in the Deerfield Review. i {J l f ORD I NANCE DE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, that: The Municipal Code of the Village of Deerfield.of 1946 be and the same is hereby amended as follows: 1. Section 161 is hereby amended to read as follows: 11161 Permit Required.) No person, firm or corporation shall construct a dr,i•veway for vehicles or animals across any parkway, curb or sidewalk in the 1 village without having obtained a permit therefor. Applications for such permits shall be made to the village clerk and shall be accompanied by the fee required. No permit for the construction of a driveway for commercial use of for the habitual use of any other than the owner or occupant of the premises served, shall be issued except upon the order of the Board of Trustees." 2. Section 162 is hereby amended to read as follows: 11162 Fees.) The fee for all commercial driveway permits required to be issued by the Board of Trustees shall. be TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS ($25.00). A deposit of FIFTY DOLLARS ($5.0.00) for driveways not more than ten (10) feet in width, and ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) for driveways more than ten (10) feet in width, shall be made with each application for all other driveways where a curb exists. Upon completion of the driveway and approval by the Village inspector, such deposit, less TEN DOLLARS ($10':00) for inspection fees, shall be refunded. A performance bond, plus inspection fees, may be submitted in lieu of the cash deposit as set forth above." 3. Section 164 is hereby amended to read as follows: 11164 Specifications.) Driveways across sidewalks and parkways shall be constructed in accordance with specifications established from time to time by the President and Board of Trustees, to comply with Ordinance,`1154." This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. PASSED: Thi s % day of 6 , 1959. APPROVED: Village Presi t Attest: 9'�L� �t_fi4,e_ L Village Clerk l9S -1 w ORD 1 MANCI 61; IT (*DAINED by that Prosid"t *ad 11o*rr4 of Trusteas Qf the VIIlo" of Deerfield, that: Tie Nun1 c 1 pa 1 Obde of the- . Y 111 of Daerf 1 e 1 d of 1946 be "d the. ume, is hereby o"nded as followss_ I . Socti on 161 1 s horoby ,amaaded to road as- follow x161 ' Perot t ' Ritimi red.) No person, firm or corporation sh#I l construct a' . dr *'_vtW4y for vehicles or animal across fey porkwoyo curb or sidewalk In the v 11490 wl tilt boar obtal mod a_ permot t theref or., -Appltoattons for soCb permits %hail 6 made to the vllloge, clerk. and . shat{ l be accompanied by the fee req+al red . No pereni t for tlae conctretisrre of tt drlvewey for cst use of for the habitual oss of *my atAor than =thee cw swr or occoopt of the proml SOS - sorved, shat) ba I 09"d txceep't the order of the 600M Of Trustees." 2. Sectieo 162: l�, l reb� vended to :toted as fol lows: 11162 Fee*.)'- Tito f<eo far 11 ctss�rsr. tai driv y permits regalred t€� be Issued by the Soord of Trustees sho l l be ;TWE N Y FIVE DOLLARS ($ 2S ► 00) ► A` deposit of {:1 i` TY DOLL M$ ($$0.00) . far dri vewayts not more than' ton (1 Q) feet In *1,Ath, and .ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) for drivatoyp Barg than teen (10) foot In vidt'k, shall be mde with such appIleatioe for o etkor driveways where o curb 'exists. 'Upon coWletloti of the :drtveawray and approval . by the v11 lago Iaspoptor, such 4wosit, less TEN DOLLARS ($,i*' *00) for iorspeo0401 fees,. :hall be rofwtdod.. A paerformwea bmdr p l" tospectioe ` cos, moy be st*bmi t'tsd in 1190 of t Iasi► , dopos t t as set forth 6c*e . f e Section 164 is hereby wmoadW to retied as follows.: 11164 Specifications.) Driveways across sidewalks and parkways shalI be +coastrwted In *cc©rdo"M W10 specifications established fe0m time to time by the i re>Fidopt and .todrd of-.7rlt ;ieess, to cowty wt th,.0rdtmW# 01554.1, This ordlroco she 11, be In full farce and effect, fro* *0 often. I- to pass*$*# approvot and poblicat on as rggOfirsd by. Iaw PASSED: This day.df 1959. APPROVED., Vitt* Went Attest ii11 ts C ;;k