ORDINANCE 0 -58-25
BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Tru.stees of the Village
of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, that:
The Village of Deerfield has received from West Deerfield Township
a certified copy of an ordinance declaring that it is necessary and
convenient for West Deerfield Township to use and occupy the real estate
described as:
''The North 75 feet of that part of Lot 4, in Block.2, in the
Village of Deerfield,.according to the Plat thereof recorded
March 16, 1857, in Book #27 of Deeds, page 167, and of the West
Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 28, Township 43 North,
Range 12', East of the Third P.M., described as follows, to -wit:
Commencing on the Easterly line of said lot at a point 597 feet
Northerly. from the Southeast corner of Block 2 aforesaid; running
thence Northerly along said Easterly iine and said line produced
90 feet to a point 8 feet Northerly from the Northeasterly corner
of said lot 4; thence West to a point on the West line of the
Southwest Quarter of Section 28 aforesaid, 8 feet North of the
Northwest corner of 'said dot 4; thence South along said Section
line 90 feet; thence Easterly 329 and 3/10 feet to the place of
beginning, Lake County, Illinois"
for Township purposes including the erection and maintenance of a building
to be used for General Township and.Township Library purposes.
And the territory of West Deerfield Township lies partly within
and partly outside the Village of Deerfield; and the Village of Deerfield
and West Deerfield Township have agreed upon the terms and conditions of
the sale of the property above described to !Jest Deerfield Township.
THEREFORE, the following described property, to -wit:
"The North'75 feet of that part of Lot 4 in Block 2, in the
Village of Deerfield, according to the Plat thereof recorded
March 16, 1857, in Book #27 of Deeds, Page 167, and of the West
Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 28, Township 43 North,
Range 12, East of the Third P.M., described as follows, to -wit:
Commencing on the Easterly line of said lot at a point 597-feet.
Northerly from the Southeast corner of Block 2 aforesaid; running
thence Northerly along said..Easterl.y line and said line produced
90 feet to a point 8 feet Northerly from the Northeasterly corner
of said Lot 4; thence West to a point on the West line of the
Southwest Quarter of Section 28 aforesaid 8 feet North of the °
Northwest corner of said Lot 4; thence.South along said Section
line 90 feet; thence Easterly 329 and 3/10 feet to the place of
beginning, Lake County, Illinois"
shall be and is hereby transferred to West Deerfield Township; and the
Village President and Village Clerk are hereby authorized to sign on
behalf of the Village a Deed conveying such property to West Deerfield
Township, upon receipt of the sum of TWENTY SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED
DOLLARS ($27,500.00), the same being the purchase price agreed upon.
PASSED this 21st day of May, 1958.
Village P sident
Village Clerk
PUBLISHED: May 29, 1958 in the Deerfield Review.