ORDINANCE 0 -58 -16
BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village
of Deerfield, that:
of 1946
1. Section 224 of the Municipal Code of Deerfield /is hereby amended to
read as follows:
11224 Classes.) Licenses for the sale at rz$aull of alcoholic liquor as
above set out shall be acid are hereby divided into the following classes:
of $2,000.00."
2. Section 226 of the Municipal Code of Deerfield of 1946 is hereby amended
to read as follows:
11226 Retail Sale - limited.) In the interest of public policy and morals,
no retail liquor license shall be granted any firm, corporation, or person
whose principal business is the sale at retail of groceries and /or meat products,
and /or any other merchandise, other than a restaurant, whereby such license
migb:t be detrimental to public policy and morals. Nothing herein contained,
however, shall interfere with the granting of a permit to a drug store for
the sale of alcoholic liquor for medicinal,.mechanical, sacramental or chemical
purposes,only, subject to forfeiture, and subject to the laws of the State of
Illinois applying thereto."
3 This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its
passage, approval and publication as provided by law.
PASSED: This 9th day of April, 1958.
Village Pres' nt
Village Clerk
PUBLISHED: April 17, 1958 in the Deerfield Review.
Class A - Licenses for the sale at retail of alcoholic liquor of not more
than four percent by weight, over the counter, and to be consumed on the
premises. Said licenses shall be in the amount of $500.00 each, and shall
be not more than two in number.. License Class C following, however, shall
be in addition thereto.
Class B - Licenses for the sale at retail of alcoholic liquors in the original
package and not to be consumed on the premises. Said licenses shall be in the
amount of $1,250.00 each, and shall be not more than two in number. License
Class C following, however, shall be in addition thereto.
Class C - Licenses granted to a private golf.club for the sale at retai,liof
alcoholic liquor containing not more than four percent of alcohol, by weught,-
over the counter, and for sale at retail of alto olic liquor in the original
package to members of the club. Such licenses shall be one in number, and
the fee shall be in the amount of $1,000.00 for six consecutive months of
the license year; and the annual fee for such license shall be in the amount
of $2,000.00."
2. Section 226 of the Municipal Code of Deerfield of 1946 is hereby amended
to read as follows:
11226 Retail Sale - limited.) In the interest of public policy and morals,
no retail liquor license shall be granted any firm, corporation, or person
whose principal business is the sale at retail of groceries and /or meat products,
and /or any other merchandise, other than a restaurant, whereby such license
migb:t be detrimental to public policy and morals. Nothing herein contained,
however, shall interfere with the granting of a permit to a drug store for
the sale of alcoholic liquor for medicinal,.mechanical, sacramental or chemical
purposes,only, subject to forfeiture, and subject to the laws of the State of
Illinois applying thereto."
3 This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its
passage, approval and publication as provided by law.
PASSED: This 9th day of April, 1958.
Village Pres' nt
Village Clerk
PUBLISHED: April 17, 1958 in the Deerfield Review.