O-58-0227 6RDINANCE 0 -58 -2 BE IT ORDAINED by.the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, that: Section 1. This ordinance, when accepted by Clifford M. Johnson, Viking Realty Company, shall be a contract between Clifford M. Johnson, Viking Realty.iCompany, and the Village of Deerfield. Section 2. By acceptance of this ordinance, Clifford M. Johnson, Viking Realty Company, states that he has furnished and paid for all labor and materials C� needed for the installation of a six -inch cast iron water main with all necessary appurtenances thereto, in compliance with the plans and specifications of the Village, in the right of way of Osterman Avenue in the Village of Deerfield extending westerly from approximately the west line of the East 1/2 of Lot 34, Edwin P. Osterman's Subdivision, as shown on the attached plat, a length of approximately 200 feet to the west of the west.line of Lot 5, Viking's Re- subdivision, to a water main lying along the north side of Osterman Avenue as shown on the 1°as built" plans furnished by Viking Realty Company. - ..c1: °.. nSecti:6nn3. Such watermain shall be and become a part of the water system of the Village, upon its approval and acceptance by the Village. Section 4. The Village agrees to pay Clifford M. Johnson, Viking Realty Company, his heirs, successors, or assigns, the cost of such installation not to exceed the sum of $590.00 solely from fees that may be received by the Village for connecting of premises with the water main eboveidesc.rbbed until January 1, 1980; and agrees to pay $118.00 for each connection on the North side of Osterman Avenue to said water main. Provided that Clifford M._Johnson, Viking Realty Company, shall have no claim against the Village for reimbursement other than such connection fees, when, as and if received by the Village. Section 5. The connection fees to be charged premises 6n the north salde of Osterman Avenue for connection with the main hereinabove described shall be METER SIZE 5/8" x 3/4" with stubs 5 /811 x 3 %/4" without stubs 3/4" with stubs 3/4" without stubs 1" with stubs 1" without stubs 12 without stubs CONNECTION FEE $ 193.00 213.00 198.00 218.00 213.00 238.00 318.00 Section 6. All connections with the main above described shall be•made in full compliance with the ordinances of the Village relating to such connections, and no such connection shall be made except upon payment of the fee herein established. PASSED: This 81th day of January, 1958. ACCEPTED: Witness: ATTEST: &c.e�.��-6 Village Clerk Viking Realty Compan By: 914'all C i ford M. (J nson APPROVED:--"C, W-1-M&M-11 '"dwle n t 1 1 I , Jl� oa 0